Archive for April 7th, 2011

6 Ways To Market On A Budget

April 7, 2011

To run a successful business we all need money coming in and so much so that we turn a profit, but in order to get the money flowing in we need customers. To get customers we have to offer them a product and/or service that they need and want to pay for. So, how does the customers even know about you and your offer? Through marketing. While marketing does take time, effort, and often times money marketing doesn’t have to be costly or budget blowing in order to be effective and successful. Today we will discuss how to market on a budget so that you still reach success without the stress.

These are a few low cost ways to market for you to try:

Budget Marketing Idea 1: Promotional Giveaways. Try giving away free samples or novelty items related to your product and/or service or things like magnets or pens with your company logo, name, & all contact info. Also, try running promotional discounts on your products and/or services for grand opening and/or a certain amount of time.

Budget Marketing Idea 2: Social Media. It’s 2011 and we are now on technological overload with all the technology we have at our disposals to use. Using social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are phenomenal ways to market your business and it’s offerings, why? These social media outlets and those alike allows you to reach millions and billions with one click and best of all these outlets are free, so take advantage.

Budget Marketing Idea 3: Other Media. Traditional media is relatively inexpensive these days as well mostly to stay competitive due to the technological advances we have now. Some affordable “other media” are placing ads in the phonebook, yellow pages, and even placing a classified ad or ad in your local paper/magazine. Other media that is inexpensive and that can give you a lot of exposure is doing a tv commercial(s)/ads to air only on the local stations for your area. 

Budget Marketing Idea 4: Do your own print marketing materials. Due to software such as Photoshop and Desktop Publishing making and printing your own flyers is very doable and will save you at least hundreds as you won’t have to contract out to a print shop. When doing your own printed marketing materials all you will need is the software, laser printer, and printing paper of choice making this a great low cost way to market and not blow your budget.

Budget Marketing Idea 5: Have a website. Another low cost way to market your products and/or services is through having a website. Having a website with a hosting domain is cheap where you will spend the most money, but still keep your costs low is if you have to hire a webmaster. To have a website if you are not tech savvy or you know nothing about building & maintaining a website you will need a webmaster. A webmaster is a company or person you will pay to build your website, add and change content as requested, and maintain your website. What you spend on the webmaster you’ll save in frustration and time if you don’t even know where to begin.

Budget Marketing Idea 6: Get involved. If you have a storefront/ brick & mortar location get involved with the community. You can get involved with your community and advertise all for one low cost. One way to get involved is by sponsoring a little league team, little league team sponsorships are not costly at all and with that sponsorship your company’s name and/or logo will be on the back of their uniforms. Another way to get involved is when the community has events be a sponsor or donate money or let them raffle off one of your products and/or services. There’s many ways to get involved and stay on budget plus the added benefit of getting more business, so check with your community today. 

Marketing on a budget is doable and doesn’t have to be stressful or unsuccessful just because it’s low cost and you’re saving money doing it. So, start marketing AND bringing in more profits today with these easy low cost ideas. One last note before we get the weekend started, if you haven’t already don’t forget to find out why your potential customers aren’t buying from you and what you can do to get clients to your door, download “12 Reasons Why People Aren’t Buying From YouNOW! It’s a great weekend read.