Archive for October, 2009

Are You Keeping Yourself a Secret?

October 29, 2009

Why are so many people nervous about promoting themselves and their services?  One reason is fear:-

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of spending time and money and not getting any work from it
  • Fear that you are not good enough
  • Fear that you are not worth the money you are charging
  • Fear of failure

Another reason that people keep themselves a secret is that they feel they will be perceived as being pushy if they talk too much about themselves.  The result is that you don’t speak up clearly and proudly about who you are and what you do because you don’t want to stand out from the crowd.  Standing out and getting attention is exactly what you need to do to be successful.

Are you procrastinating by perfecting that brochure or busying yourself with administrative tasks that aren’t going to bring you in money?  I believe that so many of us know we should network on a consistant basis, but don’t because we’ve never been taught HOW!  We go about it not really knowing what to do, and not seeing any results, which makes us think that it doesn’t work.  In a way, this is good news because it means that there is nothing wrong with you, you are not the only one and if others like myself and my clients can make it work, then so can you.

You do need to start getting out there and start networking effectively!  You need to start making connections and letting people know that you exist and what you can do for them.  The good news is that once we are taught exactly what to do and say in networking, then we start seeing real results.  Then you gain the confidence to push to the next level and your results just carry on increasing.

Would you like to get some quality information about getting clients for free?  Go to to sign up for a free teleclass happening on November 11th 2009.

Welcome to the all new Mastering the Marketing Blog!

October 29, 2009

Who is Yvonne Bleakley?

Well, let’s go back to the beginning of my adventure back in 2006.   I left my post as a bank manager and set up a Life Coaching practice from home after passing my coaching diploma with high distinction and gaining master coach status. I got clients right away, but not as many as I needed to pay the bills, and being a single mum with two growing teenage boys, this was a bit of a worry to put it mildly.

Going back to work in a corporate environment was not an option.  I loved helping people and working in personal development and my life purpose was to take these tools to as many people as I could reach.  This meant I had to do everything within my power to make this work.  Marketing was my weakest attributes.  I was a coach just out of coaching school, not a sales and marketing expert.  I decided I had to make it my strength.  One of my mentors, Ali Brown, says “you are not in the business of coaching (or whatever your business is); you are in the business of marketing your business.”

At that very moment, I made a commitment to immerse myself in absolutely everything that had to do with getting clients. I read every book on marketing and networking I could get my hands on. I took every course that was available. I essentially decided to become a mini-expert on how to get clients.

I managed to fill my practice to full capacity within 8 months including clients from around the country and internationally.  I went on to become “The Manager’s Mentor” helping managers get the most out of their staff using my unique Silent Motivator System™. 

During this process, I had an epiphany!  I loved the marketing as much as I loved the coaching and started taking on other coaches as clients to help them fill their practice.

I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other self-employed, sole practitioners, get more clients in record time.