Go Back to the Basics AND get clients!

Today, I want to go back to the basics. Sometimes in business we tend to make things more complicated than it needs to be. Like other things in life sometimes it’s just the simple things we need in business to lay the foundation. Like in education in business you need just the basics to lay a foundation.

The entrepreneur is most easily distracted person on the planet, we jump from one idea to the next and if anything seems more exciting we have to be in on it!

You see people going from seminar to seminar buying the next big exciting thing that will help them be successful, they are on-line jumping to the next big idea, but what do you notice about these people? Quite often they are not getting anywhere in their business.
What we need is to pick plan and stick to it. You work the plan and you got results. There is no way in the world you can run around trying every strategy. Pick a model that is tried and tested. Look at those who are successful, pick a role model, and model what they are doing, get mentored or coached by them and put into action what you learn from them. Action is the key here. You can carry on learning and finding new ideas but then you have so many ideas that you just don’t do anything with them, either because you don’t know where to start or because you are still looking for the magic pill. Well I am sorry to disappoint you but the only magic pill is taking ACTION.

So, let us leave all of those bright shiny objects behind and get back to basics. These rules apply to any business whether you are selling off-line or no line, these principles will work.

1. Start with your message

Marketing is all about getting your business message in front of the people who need, or want it and that’s generally it. My message is to service based professional who want more clients in less time with less effort. It’s just that simple.

2. What is your offer

Get really clear on what your offer is. Make it simple to understand and simple to sell. Do some research before you come up with your offer, is it what people are looking for? Is there a market for what you have?

3. What is your media?

Only put your effort into the areas that your market is likely to find details of your product. Are they online or offline? Do they attend certain events? Do they read certain editorials?
This is called direct marketing. You just speak directly to the people who are most likely to need or want your services.

Now, that you have your basics in business, you can now use these basics to to market and reach infinite success. So, remember DON’T forget the BASICS! Also, still available for download YOUR FREE REPORT, “12 Reasons Why People Aren’t Buying From You” Get your copy today!

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