Should I Outsource vs. I Shouldn’t Outsource

Just the other day I was having a coaching session with one of my clients. During this mastering the marketing session the client brought up an issue that I’ve been asked about lately and it’s becoming popular among small businesses. That question…..Yvonne, should I outsource? My answer….let’s talk about it and make a decision that’s right for you, your business, and your business goals.

So wondering if you should outsource? Well, let’s talk about outsourcing so just as my client you can make the right decision for you, your business, and your goals. So, again the question on the table is should I outsource?

Well, should you? The answer is going to vary by person and business, but when deciding to outsource or not you should consider these factors. Advantages and disadvantages will be different for every business as well. Also, know you don’t have to outsource your whole business you can just do certain things such as your marketing , blogging,  or webpage and social media management.

So, let’s start with the good stuff…advantages. Some advantages to outsourcing are:

You can save time
Cost efficiency/Decrease costs
Big pool of talented professionals
More Flexibility
More collaboration(remember 2 heads is better than 1)
Reduce bias and get an objective point of view on things
Faster work being produced/more productivity

There are many advantages to outsourcing,but as you know with advantages also comes disadvantages. Disadvantages to outsourcing can be:

Loss of your managerial control
Quality problems
Hidden costs
Threats to your businesses security and confidentiality issues

When it comes to the perceived disadvantages of outsourcing I see nothing on this list that can’t be avoided by doing research on who you are considering outsourcing to, making your needs and wishes clear, and having the proper contract in place.

When deciding if outsourcing is good for you and your business not only consider these factors, but ask yourself these questions:

How will outsourcing benefit me and my business? Will outsourcing free up time for you to focus on the strengthening your business? Will it help your business gain a competitive edge? When answering this question focus only on the positive benefits. Here also look at the costs of outsourcing versus not outsourcing as cost savings is a benefit.

If I outsource will I have time to nurture and effectively manage the outsourcing relationship? When you outsource you are gaining an employee and employees must be managed. So, ask yourself will you have the time and energy to meet virtually or etc with whom you outsource to? Will you be able to give tasks, explain tasks, and just deal with them in general on a daily basis? If your answer to this question is no, then outsourcing isn’t for you. It isn’t for you because you have to be able to both nurture and manage the outsourcing relationship for it to beneficial and work for your business.

Am I being realistic? Ask yourself are the goals, expectations, task completion deadlines, and tasks that I’m setting and asking of the outsourced person or company realistic. Remember that no matter whom or what company you outsource to, they are human too so, be realistic. Be realistic by setting reasonable deadlines and expectations or you’re setting yourself for failure and an unsuccessful relationship and outsource experience.  

These are all questions YOU must consider. So, look at the advantages and disadvantages, ask yourself the appropriate questions, and evaluate them in relation to your business. Lastly, make the best decision for you and your business. I can’t make the outsourcing decision for you, but when it comes to outsourcing definitely make sure the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I suggest getting recommendations on good companies to outsource to, research that company or person, pick a company or person that fits your needs and budget, and Good Luck!

Also, YES you can still find out why your potential customers aren’t buying from you and what you can do to get clients to your door, by downloading “12 Reasons Why People Aren’t Buying From YouTODAY!

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One Response to “Should I Outsource vs. I Shouldn’t Outsource”

  1. Cyanne Campbell Says:

    Very well said. Yes, its best to do work by own but it much better to delegate it or to outsource it sometimes as when work is more and time is less. In such circumstances this thing works great and gives us our desired results in little effort as in such situation working alone means spoil our own work with our own hand. So better to outsource and take advantage of experts.

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