But what about your sales copy?

Happy Monday all! I hope everybody had a lovely weekend. So, we talked about different outlets to market on, we’ve even talked about being clear with prospects and how you need a call to action, but what about your sales copy? A sales copy is a sales letter that you use on your website and for your email marketing as well to create sales. Being that the purpose of your sales copy is to create and get sales you definitely want to make sure that it’s effective. So, let’s make sure you got it right.

Before starting to write your sales copy, KNOW your products and/or services as well as your target market. If you don’t know these things go learn them then come back and write your sales copy. When writing your sales copy remember the idea is to connect with the readers which should be your potential clients. With that said when writing your sales copy to connect with readers you want to be sure to feel their pain. In order to connect with your audience you need to connect with them on an emotional level. Another way to connect with your audience is to find common ground. Now, since you have more than one prospect this can be a little harder as everyone is different, but remember the audience you are speaking to has at least one thing in common, THE NEED FOR YOU AND YOUR SOLUTION. You can also find common ground by treating all prospects equal.

NOW, that you know how and what to think about when writing your sales copy in order to be effective make sure your sales copy has these five elements by answering these five questions.

Are the benefits clear?

When writing your sales copy let the clients know what’s in it for them if they purchase from you and/or use your services. The benefits should be listed/stated first in your email campaigns and on your website. Also make sure the benefits stand out so be sure to put in large bold print. The reason for this is because people are busy and don’t always read things through and through at first. At first they will just scan for interesting information so you want the benefits to catch their attention.

Did you mix up your products or services features versus benefits?

When writing your sales copy be sure not to mix up your features and benefits, doing this will just confuse your prospects and result in lost sales. Remember your features are the attributes of your products and/or services, but your benefits are what your product and/or service will do for the prospects. Include both features and benefits in your sales copy.

Do you come off as trustworthy?

We’ve talked about it before and here it is again. Your prospects must trust you before they feel even half way comfortable about doing business with you. Trust isn’t something earned overnight, but it is earned. Building rapport and trust with clients is a must so begin earning their trust today with the small things. Earn their trust today by offering your full contact details (phone, email, phone, fax, and hours you can be reached), a money back guarantee on products or services, and/or a free trial for services.

Is your headline an attention getter?

Your sales copy should have a headline that gets THEIR attention. You can use keywords, attention getting words such as free and complete, big bold even colored lettering, or a combination of all of these.

Did you create a sense of urgency and a call to action?

Creating a sense of urgency can help bring in prospects & improve your sales copy performance. You can create a sense of urgency by using urgent words such as Limited Time ONLY. You can also create a sense of urgency by setting deadlines and limits. Also, be sure to end your sales copy with a call to action. A call to action basically tells your prospect what to do next. So, the prospect is interested, now what? Now what? is where your call to action comes to play. For your call to action use phrases such as Buy Now, Buy Here, Click here to purchase/buy, or Call Now, for example.

Your sales copy is going to be how your clients begin to learn about you and your solution, so make sure you give them as much information as you can. With your sales copy you want to spark curiosity and interest so get those sales with a great sales copy. And don’t forget still available for download, “12 Reasons Why People Aren’t Buying From YouNOW!

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